Research (MSc by Research and PhD) - University of Bristol
Applications are invited from graduates with good honours or Masters degrees in relevant disciplines for nomination for PhD studentships tenable from October 2009. Projects in statistics, economics, epidemiology, human genetics, bioinformatics, sociology, psychology applied to medical/clinical issues are encouraged.
Research areas include: quantitative and qualitative health services research; aetiological, genetic lifecourse, clinical and nutritional epidemiology; effectiveness and acceptability of health services/care; health/illness/disability in older age. The Department of Social Medicine is eligible to apply for studentships from a variety of sources, including the MRC. Students interested in molecular, genetic or lifecourse epidemiology should also view our Wellcome Trust 4-Year PhD Programme.
For further details of potential topics, supervisors, and application forms, contact:
Susie Potts
Department of Social Medicine
University of Bristol
Canynge Hall
39 Whatley Road
Bristol BS8 2PS
Telephone: 0117 928 7274
Source:http://www.epi. postgrad/ pg.htm
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