23 Dec 2008

Research (MSc by Research and PhD) - University of Bristol

Applications are invited from graduates with good honours or Masters degrees in relevant disciplines for nomination for PhD studentships tenable from October 2009. Projects in statistics, economics, epidemiology, human genetics, bioinformatics, sociology, psychology applied to medical/clinical issues are encouraged.

Research areas include: quantitative and qualitative health services research; aetiological, genetic lifecourse, clinical and nutritional epidemiology; effectiveness and acceptability of health services/care; health/illness/disability in older age. The Department of Social Medicine is eligible to apply for studentships from a variety of sources, including the MRC. Students interested in molecular, genetic or lifecourse epidemiology should also view our Wellcome Trust 4-Year PhD Programme.

For further details of potential topics, supervisors, and application forms, contact:

Susie Potts
Department of Social Medicine
University of Bristol
Canynge Hall
39 Whatley Road
Bristol BS8 2PS

Telephone: 0117 928 7274
Email: susie.potts@bristol.ac.uk
Source:http://www.epi. bris.ac.uk/ postgrad/ pg.htm

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15 Dec 2008

MONBUKAGAKUSHO Scholarship Program Teacher Upgrading and Japanese Studies

Registration for Teacher Upgrading the program was started on 17 November 2008 and will be closed on 30 January 2009. For more information about the program, teachers' click here, while for Japanese Studies program,click here.

Study in Japan, site of the various information about learning to Japan.
Exam questions MONBUKAGAKUSHO 2007 and already can be seen here, including exam questions and Japanese Studies program.

At this time approximately 1,600 Indonesian students studying in the middle of Japan. Of these, most of them are receiving the scholarship, both from the Japanese government, institutions and other companies. Japanese Government Scholarship enough known by the people of Indonesia is the scholarship from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (MONBUKAGAKUSHO / MEXT). This scholarship covers the cost of the study and living costs, without any ties.

Embassy of Japan in Indonesia and Konsulatnya in Surabaya, Medan and Makassar every year and conduct registration for persons selection MONBUKAGAKUSHO scholarship. The programs offered to students of Indonesia is the Student Research Program for graduates of universities, Undergraduate, College of Technology and Professional Training College graduates for Japanese Studies and senior high school students for study programs of Japan and the Teacher Training for teachers.

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5 Dec 2008

PhD-Berlin School of Mind and Brain

The Berlin School of Mind and Brain is an international graduate school offering a three-year doctoral program in English. The school is based in Berlin and part of an extensive neuroscience landscape.

The focus of the school's research is on the interface of humanities and behavioral sciences with neurosciences (philosophy, social sciences,linguistic s, behavioral and cognitive psychology,
neuro-physiology, psychiatry, neurology, computational neuroscience, neurobiology) .

All doctoral students will receive supervision by two professors, one from the `mind sciences', and one from the `brain sciences'.

The school's main research areas are: `Conscious and unconscious perception', `decision-making' , `language', `brain plasticity and lifespan ontogeny', and `mental disorders and brain dysfunction' . The school especially welcomes applications for the research areas `brain
plasticity & lifespan ontogeny', `mental disorders & brain dysfunction' , and `philosophy
of mind'

The school offers a number of scholarships. Scholarships are generous, and they will cover university enrolment fees and living expenses in Berlin (including accommodation, subsistence, insurances, public transport).

Tuition Fees
Humboldt-Universitä t zu Berlin does not charge tuition fees for this program!

Requirements for Applications
We are looking for students with a Master's or Diploma degree (research degree) in philosophy, lin-guistics, psychology, neurology, psychiatry, computer science, biology, law, economics, or another field relevant for mind/brain research. Students can apply to the doctoral program while
completing their Master's course!

Three-year Doctoral Program
Deadline: 15 January 2009
APPLICATIONS: www.mind-and- brain.de/ 63.0.html

Berlin School of Mind and Brain
Humboldt-Universitä t zu Berlin
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin

Phone +49 30 2093-1706
Fax +49 30 2093-1802

<admissions@mind- and-brain. de>

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3 Dec 2008

International PhD program Tuebingen 2009

For International Students: International PhD Program Tuebingen (Germany), Spring 2009

The Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology and the Friedrich Miescher Laboratory in Tuebingen

invite applications for PhD positions in following areas:

* Cell Biology
* Biochemistry
* Developmental Genetics
* Structural Biology
* Quantitative Genetics
* Plant Development
* Evolutionary Biology
* Bioinformatics

Highly qualified applicants from all countries are invited to apply.

All applicants must hold or anticipate to receive a Diploma or Masters degree by the time of their start as a PhD student in our institutes.

Candidates have to be fluent in written and spoken English (GRE compulsory for non European candidates).

The positions are funded by Max Planck Fellowships.

Application form, evaluation forms (2 needed) and all details about our online registration are available at http://www.eb. tuebingen. mpg.de/phd- program

Application deadline is January 16, 2009.

After the review of completed applications selected candidates will be invited for personal interviews in Tuebingen during March 11-13, 2009.

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26 Nov 2008

Doctoral Fellowships at Max Planck Research School for Competition &Innov

The IMPRS-CI offers several Doctoral Fellowships to outstanding students interested in the integration of the three disciplines law, business administration and economics, and the study
of the nexuses between patent law and innovation, copyright law and creativity, and market transparency and competition.

The PhD program is open to excellent applicants holding the equivalent of a German Diploma, Master's degree or state examination in law, economics or management. The selection procedure includes an interview of short-listed candidates.

Fellowships are granted to all Ph.D. students for the duration of three years. Successful candidates will be offered a stipend of about 1.100 EUR monthly.

Application deadline: March 31, 2009.

Programme start: October 2009.
website link:
http://www.ip. mpg.de/ww/ de/pub/forschung /forschungsarbei t/imprs_ci/ imprs_phd_ programme/ admissions/ announcement. cfm

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19 Nov 2008

Shell Scholarships, UK and NL, 2009

Shell Scholarships, UK and NL, 2009
Shell offers scholarships to international students for postgraduate taught degrees at the partner universities in UK and Netherlands. Applications are open for international students (including Pakistani students) for the courses starting in 2009.

Deadline : Varies (for each partner university)

Shell Centenary Scholarship Fund
The Shell Centenary Scholarship Fund (TSCSF) was established as a registered charity in 1997. Under various Masters programmes, TSCSF offers postgraduate students from developing countries the opportunity to study in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, and gain skills that will make a long-term contribution to the further development of their countries. The scholarships are known as Shell Centenary Scholarships (in the UK), Royal Dutch Shell Centenary Scholarships (in the NL).

An applicant should normally be:
aged 35 or under
nationals of and resident in any country other than Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and United States and intending to return and take up permanent residence there after completion of the proposed programme of study
intending to study a subject that will be of significant value in aiding the sustainable development of their home country
of sufficiently outstanding academic ability eg in the UK to have obtained a degree equivalent to a first class honours degree at a British University, in the NL to be able easily to obtain a place on the MSc programme
fluent in spoken and written English
neither a current nor former employee of the Royal Dutch Shell Group of Companies
It is the intention that the scholarships be widely geographically distributed. In each year a large number of countries will be represented. Scholarships will be awarded to those academically qualified applicants thought best able to contribute to the development of their home country by becoming leaders, decision-makers or opinion-formers. Preference will be given to those who have not yet had the opportunity to study in the UK and NL.
Each scholarship will cover tuition, accommodation, maintenance cost and a return airfare for the scholarship holder only.

Application Procedure
Scholarship application forms can only be obtained from the relevant universities. For details about Shell scholarships (deadline, application procedure and forms etc), please visit the relevant sections on the partner universities websites.

Partner Universities
Partners in the scheme are:
University of Cambridge, UK Durham University, UK The University of Edinburgh, UK Imperial College London, UK University of Leeds, UK University of Oxford, UK
University College London, UK Delft University of Technology, Netherlands Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands University of Twente, Netherlands.
These universities also contribute to the funding of scholarships.

http://www.shellsch olar.org/ home/index. html

For more details and how to apply
http://careersetup. blogspot. com/2008/ 11/shell- scholarships- uk-and-nl- 2009.html

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17 Nov 2008

PhD in Economics at Copenhagen Business School

PhD scholarship - Department of International Economics and Management The Department of International Economics and Management, Copenhagen Business School invites applications for a vacant PhD scholarship within the research areas of the department:
* Corporate Governance
* International Business
* Emerging Markets
Please visit the department’s profile at www.cbs.dk/int and please consult the general information on the CBS PhD Programme
Closing date: January 12, 2009
After consulting the relevant CBS websites and if there are specific questions on the position, you may contact Head of Department, Niels Mygind, nm.int@cbs.dk

General information:
CBS offers high scholarships and accepts only top applicants. To be awarded the scholarship, one must be enrolled as a PhD student. To be considered for enrolment, the candidate should have a basic training at the Masters level, and must be fluent in Danish and/or English. Enrolment in the PhD programme furthermore depends on the acceptance of the application, which must include a short project description, usually prepared in co-operation with the Department. This research proposal should contain a presentation of the intended research question, including the theory and methodology expected to be used.Indicative examples of research themes could be:
* The determinants and effects of board composition
* Private equity ownership: causes and consequences
* Causes of the current financial crises: leverage, board failure and compensation bias
* Managing innovation in Multinational Companies,
* Outward FDI from emerging markets
* The role of emerging markets in the global financial crisis
In addition to the research proposal, the application must include a completed compulsory form, copies of a Master’s degree certificate or other certificates of a corresponding level, brief curriculum vitae (CV), a list of papers and publications, and one copy of a selected written work (e.g. Master’s thesis).
All parts of the application must be submitted in four copies, except the selected written work, which may be submitted in only one copy. Electronic submissions are not accepted.A PhD scholarship runs for a period of 3 years, and includes teaching obligations equivalent of ½ year’s work (840 work hours).
The scholarship includes the waiving of tuition, office space, travel grants plus a salary, currently starting with per month app. DKK 24.118up to DKK 29.125 depending on seniority plus a
pension contributions totalling 17,1 % on 80 per cent of the base salary.The salary level
and appointment is determined by the Ministry of Finance’s collective agreement with the Central Academic Organisation.
A committee of experts in the field in question will assess the applications. The assessment of the applicants will be based on the quality and relevance of the project, including an evaluation of the applicant’s ability to accomplish it. Following this assessment, the management of the department will select the winner of the scholarship.Please find compulsory application form, guidelines, and further information on scholarships and the Doctoral Programme.
The application must be submitted to:Copenhagen Business School Department of International Economics and ManagementPorcelaenshaven 24 DK-2000 Frederiksberg Denmark Marked “PhD – 33-3357”
Applications received by e-mail or discs will not be taken into consideration.
All interested researchers irrespective of age, sex, race, religion, or nationality are invited to apply for the position.CBS focuses on innovation, partnership with the business community and internationalisatio n. As a Learning University CBS demands high quality in teaching, research and staff. CBS has around 15.000 students distributed among a wide range of degrees in social science and humanities including a very dynamic environment for executive programmes. CBS
has around 400 full-time researchers and around 500 administrative employees.
Deadline: 2009-01-12

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16 Nov 2008

PhD Studentship, University of Cambridge

PhD Studentship, University of Cambridge: History of the Placenta
since 1750

Supervisors: Martin H. Johnson and Nick Hopwood

The Centre for Trophoblast Research at the University of Cambridge aims to fund up to three PhD studentships at Wellcome Trust rates starting in October 2009 for three years of full-time research<http://www.trophobl ast.cam.ac. uk/info/students hips.shtml>. We areoffering a project on the history of the placenta.

The placenta has a rich and important past that has yet to attractsustained historical attention. Possible projects could focus on such various aspects as anatomy, physiology and evolution, pathological examination and legal regulation, midwifery, obstetric and lay
practices, and claims as to the placenta's special powers. There is wide scope to choose a topic of interest in a period since 1750 and with an appropriate geographical location.

Supervision will be provided by Martin H. Johnson (Physiology, Development and Neuroscience) and Nick Hopwood (History and Philosophy of Science). The project will benefit from participation in the University's programme of historical research on generation and reproduction and specifically on embryology.

Interested students (UK, EU or overseas) should have at least a high upper second (or equivalent) in a first degree, preferably in the biological sciences, and ideally also a strong performance in a master's in history of science and/or medicine. We invite initial
expressions of interest, including a CV and sample of written work,by 10 December 2008 for a Centre deadline of 9 January and interview
on 28 January 2009.

Martin Johnson <mhj21@cam.ac. uk>
http://www.pdn. cam.ac.uk/ staff/johnson/ index.html

Nick Hopwood <ndh12@cam.ac. uk>
http://www.hps. cam.ac.uk/ dept/hopwood. html

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15 Nov 2008

Scholarships for the Graduate Program in Economics and Finance

CEMFI, Madrid (Spain)

At CEMFI we train students for careers as professional or academic economists. Our graduates acquire the quantitative tools and research skills to work as economists in business, finance, government, and academia.

The basic graduate offering at CEMFI is its highly prestigious Master in Economics and Finance. Unlike many Master programs in the US and elsewhere, ours is self-contained and offers a well respected qualification.

CEMFI grants a subset of its Master students exemptions from the tuition fee and/or scholarships for living expenses amounting up to EUR 10,000 per year. They are granted according to academic merit. In previousyears, the Fundación Carolina, in cooperation with the Fundación BBVA, has endowed several scholarships for Latin American students of the Master. If new grants are endowed, they will be announced on CEMFI’s web page.

An important distinguishing feature of our Master is that it lasts for two years, the second being essential for shaping the skills of our graduates. The first year consists of basic graduate coursework and some optional subjects. The second year includes specialized courses and research training through a Master thesis. Our ratio of students to faculty is between four and five. Thus we can devote a lot of attention to each student. This is particularly important for the Master thesis, where the faculty provides guidance to a unique degree.

Members of CEMFI’s faculty publish in top journals and are research leaders in their fields. They are also editors of prestigious journals and are key players at leading learned societies such as the European Economic Association and the Econometric Society.

Our Master students get very good jobs as economists. For example, in positions dealing with portfolio and risk management, macroeconomic forecasting, policy evaluation, or microeconomic consultancy. CEMFI has been building a reputation for more than 20 years and a degree from
CEMFI provides a strong signal of quality, regularly confirmed by the market. Moreover, we run an experienced and efficient job placement service.

Students interested in furthering their research training, either because they aim for a professional career with a stronger research content or because they aim for an academic position, will continue to develop their research skills for another three years and complete the
PhD program. Graduates from CEMFI’s PhD program have published papers from their dissertation in top journals and we have an excellent record in the PhD job market.

Admission to the PhD program at CEMFI is through the Master. All students admitted to the PhD program obtain a scholarship, either from an external source or from CEMFI. For more information on admission and scholarship applications, please visit: http://www.cemfi.es. For any queries, feel free to contact: admissions@cemfi.es.

Application has to be received by 6. April 2009.

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14 Nov 2008

Scholarship for Masters in Conservation Biology

Scholarship opportunities to study in the USA for:
- Masters Degrees in Biodiversity Conservation and Natural Resources Management.
- Masters Degrees in Water and Sanitation.
Training has long been a key component of the U.S. governments development
program in Indonesia. USAID/ Indonesia plans to support the tradition
through the Human and Institutional Capacity Development (HICD) program
that will provide academic degree training. The HICD program is structured
in a way that will help individuals acquire the knowledge, skills, and the
capacity to support Indonesias development and the achievement of the
Government of Indonesia/USAIDs objectives.
USAID has awarded a contract to the Academy for Educational Development
(AED), a U.S. non-government organization (NGO) to support the
implementation of the HICD program in Indonesia. AED is now inviting
Indonesian citizens to study for Masters Degrees in the USA in 1)
Biodiversity Conservation and Natural Resources Management and 2) Water
and Sanitation.
*1. Masters Degrees in Biodiversity Conservation and Natural Resources Management.*
Eligible candidates may come from the Ministry of Forestry, Environment,
Development Planning, Research and Development, Finance, Economy or other
related government institutions including provincial and district level
offices and regulators; civil society groups (Biodiversity Conservation
and Natural Resources Management Associations, NGOs and Foundations) ; or
professionals in fields related to sustainable development with
international or local organizations who have strong potential for
leadership, research, education, journalism and consultancy in the same field.
Candidates with experience working in geographical areas with high
biodiversity conservation value will be prioritized. An indicative list
would include Kalimantan, Sumatera, Papua, Sulawesi and NTT.
Every attempt will be made to balance candidate selection by gender.
*2. Masters Degrees in Water and Sanitation.*
Eligible candidates may come from related government Institutions, civil
society groups (Water and Sanitation Associations, NGOs, and Foundations) ,
water and sanitation professionals/ environmental engineers working in the
development sector with international or local organizations, and faculty
from schools of Water and Sanitation/Environm ental Engineering at
accredited Indonesian universities.
Candidates from the following areas in Indonesia will be prioritized:

Aceh, North Sumatera, DKI Jakarta, West Java, Yogyakarta, Central Java and East Java .

Previous affiliation of the institution with USAID whether as a
beneficiary or partner program will be viewed favorably.
Every attempt will be made to balance candidate selection by gender.

Interested applicants may request application forms at info@aed.or. id or
download them at www.aminef.or. id
Completed application forms must be returned to the AED office at the
address below by November 15 at the latest:

*Academy for Educational Development* Wisma Nugra Santana, 16th Floor, Suite 1616 , Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 7-8, Jakarta 10220.

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13 Nov 2008

Open PhD Positions in Physics, International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) [Germany]

To apply for a place in the IMPRS Elementary Particle Physics Ph.D. program you need to have a Diploma Degree or a Master of Science Degree in Physics with excellent results, a written Diploma or Master of Science THESIS documenting at least about 6 months of research, very good English language skills. You have to fill out and to submit the electronic Application Form.

You will receive a confirmation email upon successful submission. Please contact us if this is NOT the case. Without this form, your application will NOT be considered.

Your application has to contain:
* your CV in pdf (preferred) or doc format,
* your certificates (such as the Diploma or the Master of Science Degree and your grades) as a zipped or a gzipped tar file (preferred) or as paper copies,
* two letters of recommendation.

Note that we will NOT approach your referees. YOU have to ask your referees to send to us these letters directly by email to: imprs@mppmu.mpg.de (preferred) or by postal mail so that they arrive before the deadline.

Incomplete Applications will not be considered!

The next deadline for applications is January 5th, 2009

Postal mail address:
Max-Planck-Institut für Physik
IMPRS EPP c/o F. Rudert
Föhringer Ring 6
80805 München

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12 Nov 2008


ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2009 / 2010

Tanoto Foundation, with its vision of alleviating poverty and enhancing human achievements, would like to invites academically well-performing undergraduate and postgraduate students to join its scholarship program. The scholarship is awarded program is carried out based on merit regardless of race, religions, and gender of the applicants, and by upholding well a non-discriminating policy.

Tanoto Foundation will grant scholarships to 300 undergraduate and 50 postgraduate students from any disciplines at its six partner universities, namely;
• University of Indonesia
• Gadjah Mada University
• Bandung Institute of Technology
• Bogor Institute of Agriculture
• North Sumatra University
• Riau University




1. Indonesian citizen
2. Registered at one of Tanoto Foundation’s partner universities
3. Age not over 21 years old as of end July 2009
4. GPA achieved is at least 3.00 on a scale of 4.00
5. For those attending their first year of university, the average academic report score for the third year of senior high school is at least 8.0 on a scale of 10.00.
6. In need of financial support
7. Possess leadership traits, and is concerned about and committed to advancing the goals and aspirations of Indonesia.
8. Submit completed application form downloaded from Tanoto Foundation website
9. Those who pass the selection process should not be receiving scholarships from any other institution.

1. Indonesian citizen
2. Registered at one of Tanoto Foundation’s partner universities
3. Age not over 40 years old as of end of July 2009
4. Have at least 2 years of working experience after completing undergraduate study
5. GPA achieved is at least 3.25 on a scale of 4.00
6. Possess leadership traits, and is concerned about and committed to advancing the goals and aspirations of Indonesia.
7. Submit completed application form downloaded from Tanoto Foundation website
8. Those who pass the selection process should not be receiving scholarships from any other institution.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: info@tanoto-foundation.or.id


11 Nov 2008

Wesleyan Freeman Asian Scholars Program

Region: East Asia / Pacific
Grant Type: Study and Research Grants
Description: The
Wesleyan Freeman Asian Scholarship Program provides expenses for a
four-year course of study toward a bachelors degree for twenty-two
exceptionally able Asian students annually from these countries and
regions: the Peoples Republic of China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan,
Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand,
and Vietnam.

Wesleyan is now accepting applications for
participation in the Wesleyan Freeman Asian Scholarship Program.
Twenty-two (22) qualified young men and women will be selected, two (2)
from each of eleven countries and regions The Peoples Republic of
China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines,
Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam. The chosen
applicants will join 2,700 other Wesleyan undergraduates from
throughout the United States and nearly 50 countries for study with an
outstanding teaching and research faculty in the sciences and
mathematics, the arts, the humanities, and the social and behavioral
This program is made possible by Wesleyan University
and the Freeman Foundation, which aims to improve understanding and to
strengthen ties between the United States and the countries and regions
of the Pacific Rim.
Entry into the Wesleyan Freeman Asian
Scholarship Program is highly competitive: only two students will be
selected annually from each country or region. The scholarship covers
costs for tuition, room, and board for four years, and one-time
transportation to and from the United States.
Wesleyan University
is located in Middletown, Connecticut, halfway between New York and
Boston in the historic and colorful New England region of the
northeastern United States. It is a private, nonsectarian, liberal arts
and sciences institution founded in 1831. A number of early Wesleyan
graduates were influential educators and ministers in Asian countries,
and the modern Wesleyan has formal ties to several prominent
universities in Asia. The campus is home to a diverse population of
2,700 undergraduate students, equally divided between men and women,
approximately 28 percent of whom are of African, Asian, or Hispanic
descent, and nearly 160 students from foreign countries.
190 graduate students, a number of whom are from Asian countries, are
pursuing advanced degrees, principally in the sciences, mathematics,
and music.
Interested students also must submit a
written application that includes background information, two essays, a
secondary school/junior college transcript, recommendations from two
teachers and one counselor, a peer reference, and results of any
standardized national examinations administered during the secondary
school/junior college years. Officials from Wesleyan and the Freeman
Foundation will travel to Asia and conduct interviews of finalists in
their home countries in February or March. All application materials
are to be postmarked no later than January 1. (For students in the
Philippines, we recommend mailing your application earlier or using a
courier service.) Applications are available from secondary
schools/junior colleges and from the AIG offices listed.
You may also write to Dean Terri Overton at toverton@wesleyan. edu to request the special Freeman application forms. The application for
the Freeman Asian Scholarship is different from the Common Application
and it is not available on-line. You should not submit the Common
Wesleyan alumni in the eleven countries and regions,
as well as local AIG offices, can provide further information to
students interested in applying. They also will be pleased to assist
applicants in forwarding application materials to Wesleyan.

Deadline: Varies
Contact Person: Dean Terri Overton
Contact Email: toverton@wesleyan. edu
Organization: Wesleyan University
Website: http://www.admiss. wesleyan. edu

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PhD Studentships in Biology, Sweden

Dental research will be supported within the Graduate School to create
a network between the four Institutions, and research from medical and
other faculties. A key aim is that graduate students will gain insight
into both biomedical and clinical research, which will contribute to
the establishment of a translational research environment.

Within this framework 2 PhD studentships are available at the Center for Oral Biology, to investigate;
Nerve-target interactions in teeth and bone. Neural growth factors and mineralization.

Project 1: Nerve growth factors and mineralization
This project will test the hypothesis that neurotrophic factors, in
addition to their roles in innervation, influence mineralization during
dentinogenesis and osteogenesis. If so, malfunctions associated with
these factors could cause disturbances both in sensory nerve functions
and in hard tissue formation

Project 2: Cellular and biomolecular interactions of osteoadherin with neurotrophic factors
Mineralizing tissue cells are reported to synthesize and secrete
neurotrophic factors, and it has been hypothesized that in addition to
their role in neural development, these factors may influence hard
tissue formation. Candidate molecules for such an interaction include
the small leucine-rich family of proteoglycans (SLRPs), which are
recognized as not only having a part to play in maintaining shape and
providing biomechanical strength to organs and tissues, but also
exhibit direct and indirect cell signaling properties. In turn this can
affect cell recruitment, proliferation, migration and differentiation.
This project will investigate in detail the cellular and biomolecular
interactions of nerve growth factors with the only recognized hard
tissue-specific SLRP reported to date, osteoadherin (OSAD).
For more detailed information on the projects www.ki.se/odont
Professor Kaj Fried
+46 8 524 878 53
Kaj.Fried@ki. se
Dr Rachael Sugars
+ 46 8 746 02 35
Rachael.Sugars@ ki.se
Last date of application: 15th December 2008

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10 Nov 2008


Preference will be given to applicants who serve as faculty members of state and private institutions of higher education in Indonesia. Applicants will possess:

*a Sarjana (S1) degree with a minimum GPA of 3.0 (4.00 scale)
*leadership qualities
*a good understanding of Indonesian and international cultures a
*demonstrated commitment to the chosen field of study
*a willingness to return to Indonesia upon completion of the Fulbright program
a minimum TOEFL score of 550


Candidates should complete the appropriate application forms. Forms are available either by mail or in person at the AMINEF Office, Gedung Balai Pustaka, 6th floor, Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya 4, Jakarta 10720.

Please return to AMINEF your complete application package by the application deadline that includes:

*Completed application form. This includes a clearly written and concise study objective.
*Copy of your most recent, less than two years old, TOEFL score report.
*One letter of reference, either from your current employer or previous lecturer.
*Copy of academic transcript (English translation).
*Copy of identity document (KTP or passport).


Specific questions regarding the application process may be addressed via e-mail to the following address: infofulbright_ind@aminef.or.id. We do not accept email applications. Hard copies must be sent or delivered to American Indonesian Exchange Foundation.

The deadline for the submission of application materials for all programs is May 31, 2009.
Note: Program requirements are subject to change without notice.



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